The History of HGH and How It Affects Hollywood Today

HGH is a wonder drug and the latest health trend to hit Hollywood that feeds on Tinsel Town’s obsession with youth and beauty. The fact of the matter is that it works, as evidenced by athletic commissions banning its use in sports because of how it gives athletes an unfair advantage over others who don’t take HGH injections. By going through the HGH therapy, you won’t only look younger but feel younger as well, which means that HGH, unlike plastic surgery or Botox, has beneficial effects that don’t only run skin deep. With that said, HGH has its limits. Like with liposuction, it can only be taken with exercise and proper dieting. It can halt aging symptoms like wrinkle development and lowered metabolism that causes you to gain weight faster, but it won’t be much help if you have any bad habits (like overeating or smoking) that’ll aggravate the signs of aging.

The Early History of HGH

Back in the fifties, undersized children were injected with growth hormones taken from human cadavers.Hollywood sign HGH is basically a protein synthesized by the pituitary gland that stimulates growth of everything in your body (hence its name), from muscles, to bones, to cells. Its body building applications is readily apparent, but the reason why it’s used the most by older people instead of younger people is that HGH secretion is reduced as you get older. At any rate, HGH was originally prescribed to children with a deficiency for the substance, which leads to dwarfism at worst and stunted growth at best. Because the only way to extract HGH at the time was through cadavers of young and healthy pituitary glands, its supplies were limited and given to the most needy of patients (kind of like how heart or other organ transplant supplies are limited as well).

The Effects of Naturally Extracted HGH and Biosynthetic HGH

Naturally extracted HGH often had mixed results. There were times when the child would gain modest growth spurts, while there are also times when he or she experienced nothing more than disappointment and aching joints. However, all that changed about thirty-five or so years later, in 1985. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) by then approved the use of a biosynthetic version of HGH developed by a San-Francisco-based biotechnology company called Genentech. In contrast to the results gained by naturally extracted and rare HGH, biosynthetic HGH has more promising and consistent benefits. For example, it offered the average preteen patient a chance to grow two inches, which may not sound like a big deal, but is actually a godsend to many not blessed with the gift of height. The usual side effects of swelling and joint pain are easily treatable and mild, at that. The FDA eventually approved of HGH therapy for the treatment of Turner’s syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, chronic renal deficiency, and HIV-associated wasting disease.

The History of HGH in Hollywood

HGH is best used with your own assistance. In the end, you can only help yourself become healthier, with HGH acting as nothing more than support for your efforts. On that note, HGH can be considered an equal opportunity type of treatment save for matters pertaining to age, in which case it can only make do with what you have left and whatever looks or physique you’ve lost because of the ravages of time, it cannot undo. Accusations of HGH use is mostly aimed at the ripped twenty-something studs; the skinny ones who’ve suddenly become buff now are said to be on the needle, or at least steroid users. However, ironically enough, HGH is mainly used by stars who are over thirty-five who still wish they’re under thirty-five. HGH therapy has become so prevalent in Hollywood than any actor over fifty with a ripped stomach and huge pectorals are automatically presumed to either be doing steroids or HGH. It can make you feel and look ten years younger, but it cannot undo the inevitability of aging altogether. For more on Human growth hormone Click here!



2 thoughts on “The History of HGH and How It Affects Hollywood Today

  1. Let’s face it, HGH is a truly fantastic thing that could take away all our worries about health and physique. Lots of its promises are exactly what the aging generation needs to help lighten up their burdens. But is HGH therapy safe? Will it make any considerable difference on how a person tackles the imminent signs of aging? This solicits a different answer from every different individual. But I dare say, it wouldn’t hurt to try! (with the guidance of a medical professional, of course)

  2. We all envy H’wood stars because they don’t seem to have any trace of age in their faces and bodies. What we don’t know is that they actually make an effort to look young and excellent on the screen because that’s their source of income. They go through all sorts of treatments and possible therapy options just to enjoy the privilege of looking great. If you ask whether or not you’ll be as pretty as Jen Aniston or Angelina Jolie, well, it depends what kind of treatment you choose. You can go under the knife for a total makeover or you can just use topical skin care products and pills to help you bust the common signs of aging.

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