HGH Affects Your Brain Tissue

HGH works at the cellular level and HGH affects brain tissue directly. It also benefits nerve tissue. Human growth hormone or HGH has many fantastic effects on various parts of the body, which promotes the repair of your organs. It can stop or reverse shrinkage of your organs, reverses the signs of aging, and more. But we will focus on how HGH affects your brain tissue.

Malcolm Cowley once said, “They tell you that you’ll lose your mind when you grow older. What they don’t tell you is that you won’t miss it very much.”

If you were to examine those patients who suffer with Alzheimer’s you might disagree with what Cowley observed. Then again, philosophers have debated the mind – body characteristics of our existence for centuries.

Currently scientists have an incredible amount of evidence to prove that our personalities, our minds, and our identities tend to come from the brain’s biochemistry, structure, and existence. If we lose a leg, we are changed but our identity is still intact. However, if the brain is damaged many times a person’s identity is altered.

Often we see changes in people as they age. Thought processes seem to slow down, and even later memory becomes affected – fuzzy, even missing, and in some of the worst cases there may be very little left of a person’s identity.

There has been a great deal of proof, both scientific and non-scientific, about the wonders of HGH on the body promoting the repair of organs, even stopping and reversing organ shrinkage. Because HGH works at the cellular level, it affects nerve tissue and brain tissue.

HGH can promote regrowth and healing in tissues and cells; however, it cannot bring about the regrowth in nerve cells. So far nothing has been proven to do so, although there is a great deal of research going on and there is promising results.

Because HGH has been proven to increase nerve growth factors, it seems plausible that if you raise HGH levels to an optimal level, HGH will rebuild brain cells and effectively improve the brain. For example, even though researchers have not been able to grow new nerve cells with HGH therapy, they have been successful at inducing dendrite connections. These spidery little feelers connect the neurons for communication.

In addition, the glial cell (a type of brain cell) nourishes the neurons and so they are capable of being renewed. You can see how HGH can impact them positively, and indicates research should be further explored.

Recent Study at the University of Auckland

Peter Gluckman, Barbara Johnston, and colleagues a the University of Auckland in New Zealand showed a striking result for IGF-I, which is the form that HGH works in. Injecting IGF-I into brain injured fetal lambs; they were able to save damaged neurons. As well, they were able to stave off apoptosis – the programmed death of cells – in these brain-injured lambs.

Apoptosis is associated with brain injury, so for up to three days after an injury, it may continue to take its toll. The IGF-I injections prevented these anticipated cell deaths.

One exciting way human growth hormone affects brain tissue is it has been shown to bring about increased concentrations of neurotransmitters in the brain. Since these neurotransmitters are the actual carriers of information from brain cell to brain cell, one would expect that human growth hormone affects brain function by speeding up and enhancing brain function.

Many who have undergone human growth hormone replacement therapy have said they have back the sharp memory they had when they were younger, and they also recaptured the quick thinking.

Dr. Chein said, “Loss of memory has long been linked to aging, and now, researchers have found a direct link between memory skills and the amount of growth hormone in the body.”

Dr. Chein had his own studies, and he too discovered how human growth hormone affects brain memory function. In his study, 62 percent of patients reported memory improvement.

So far, the results of how human growth hormone affects brain structure and function have all been positive. And while researchers have not found the holy grail of neural research the regeneration of neurons, it has determined many beneficial effects. Most significantly, human growth hormone has shown that it appears to be successful in helping to maintain our identity, and to help us to remain who we have been throughout our life as we age. Although most of the studies were done using HGH injection it is believed that increasing HGH production in the body may lead to the same results. For more on HGH supplements go here!



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