Hollywood Embraces New Anti Aging Weapon – HGH Supplements

Earlier in the year Vanity Fair Magazine reported on the use of HGH or human growth hormone in Hollywood. Ned Zeman a reporter for Vanity Fair said he spoke to one of the talent managers who stated that actors over the age of 50 that are still ripped are likely using HGH.  Flash forward a few months – where is Hollywood today when it comes to HGH? Use of HGH injections continues to grow throughout Hollywood as actors embrace human growth hormone as the new weapon against aging.Hollywood sign

What is Human Growth Hormone?

Human Growth Hormone is not new. It has been used as a treatment since 1990. However, it is only in recent times that it has been sold as an anti aging drug. HGH is produced by the pituitary gland located at the base of the brain. HGH fuels growth through childhood and then as we age the amount of HGH the pituitary gland produces decreases. As a result we feel the effects of aging and we gain weight, become less fit, start to have wrinkles, have trouble concentrating, etc.

HGH Benefits for Anti Aging

  • Increased energy
  • Reduces fat especially in the abdomen
  • Increased lean muscle
  • Increased bone density
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Increased libido
  • Increased cardiac function
  • Thicker, smoother skin
  • Improved mood
  • Reduces risk of developing Diabetes
  • Improves sleep

 Research on the Human Growth Hormone and Anti Aging

Over the years there has been a number of studies done on HGH as the “fountain of youth.” One thing to remember is that no matter what the hype is that the aging process cannot be completely reversed; however, scientists have shown that the aging process can be slowed down and significantly reverse with the use of human growth hormone supplement.

The process of aging is caused by a number of factors, but two of the most well-studied are:

#1 Oxidative breakdown at the cellular level, which leads to DNA damage, and

#2 Decreased hormone secretion, including testosterone, progesterone, estrogen and growth hormone, among others.

Nutritional supplements that contain antioxidants, minerals, and phytonutrients can slow the aging process, as can hormone supplements. HGH is known to have the greatest impact on slowing the aging process. HGH research is very exciting, because studies are showing it can reverse the signs of aging.

Anti-Aging Manual by Joseph B Marion, page 10: HGH lowers stored body fat 14.4% to be burned for energy, extends exercise capacity, and reduces fatigue. HGH rebuilds damaged heart muscles, the lungs, liver, and kidneys. Pulmonary disorders are improved, oxygen uptake in emphysema patients is improved, it lowers high blood pressure, it reverses organ shrinkage, hypertension, and diabetes is eliminated because sugar metabolism is stabilized. The human growth hormone burns fats, reduces bad cholesterol, takes care of viruses, improves the immune system, and it signals the body tissue to repair.

Back to Hollywood

  • One filmmaker said, “I had started noticing a few gray hairs coming in. But I noticed that when I was taking [HGH] – no gray hairs.”
  • Mr Stallone is said to have used HGH to get in shape for his role in Rocky IV.
  • Actor Nick Nolte has referred to HGH as ‘a systems repair’
  • U.S. TV actress Suzanne Somers said it was ‘sex in a capsule’.

Today Hollywood actors in their 50s or older are using HGH to look and feel 20 years younger. HGH injections are only needed by those with a serious depletion that leads to one of the rare conditions. HGH supplements can be effective for some people.

Dr Andre Berger, an LA based expert says HGH is perfectly safe.

“Anti-aging medicine is about making people as, functional, vital active and happy as they can be. It is about maximizing their potential. People are going to live longer and preventing chronic disease all all the other ravages that can affect quality of life is important.”

Dr Uzzi Reiss also injects his patients with HGH, calling it a “rejuvenating force.”

Reiss said, “I’ve been taking HGH for many years. I have the energy and vibrancy of a man half my age. I don’t get sick, don’t get jet-lagged. Why would a person inject HGH if there were no benefits.”


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