HGH Effective Fat Loss Regime – Could HGH Cure Obesity

HGH potentially is one of the most effective fat loss therapies that have ever been discovered. This isn’t just a broad statement. The proof is in the research.

Research Results of HGH in Fat Loss

obese womanIn a double blind crossover study of overweight women that was placebo controlled, HGH therapy resulted in an average loss of more than 4.6 pounds of body fat, and the majority of it was from the abdomen.

Dr. David Clemmons, at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, did two double blind placebo controlled studies. HGH was combined with dieting and those participants enjoyed accelerated weight loss. All of the participants in the study were 35% to 60% over their ideal body weight. One study was for 6 weeks while the other was for 11 weeks.

HGH when combined with diet resulted in a 25% acceleration in the rate of fat loss over and above those that just did the diet. In the 11 week study the HGH the participants lost 30-32 pounds whereas those on just the diet lost 20-25 pounds. The diet control group lost fat and muscle, where as the HGH control group lost only fat and maintained their body tone.

HGH in the Control of Obesity

HGH could be the answer to controlling and reversing obesity. Muscle and fat tissue metabolism are directly influenced by the inter-relationship between HGH, exercise, amino acids, stress hormones, insulin, and fats. Virtually no fat burning can occur if there are high insulin levels like those that are commonly found after eating a meal high in carbohydrates or fat. HGH may do more than just remove fat. It may be the solution to all the problems that are associated with it.

The news is good – if you are obese, for the first time, there are now proven methods for getting rid of your fat that do not pose any danger to your life or your health. There is significant research to back these claims.

What’s really important to recognize is that HGH treatment reduces abdominal fat, which is associated with an increased risk of heart attack, and type 2 diabetes. There is a direct link between intra-abdominal obesity and insulin resistance.”

“I guess I don’t so much mind being old, as I mind being fat and old.” – Peter Gabriel, British Rock Musician

HGH production declines as we age. This leads to a reduction in our lean body mass, an increase in our body fat, and an increase in low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. It is clearly established that adult HGH deficiencies are accompanied with an increase in body fat accumulation. To add the problems is that when an individual is obese it further reduces the production of HGH.

HGH Research

The Rudman study conducted was published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 1990. 21 healthy men from 61 to 81 years old were studied. Twelve men were treated with HGH for six months, and 9 received no treatment. In the treated group an 8.8 percent increase in lean body mass, a 14.4 percent decrease in adipose-tissue mass, and a 1.6 percent increase in average lumbar vertebral bone density were observed. There were no significant changes in the untreated group.

Another study conducted by Johannsson and colleagues, involved 30 men, 48 to 66 years old who suffered from with abdominal/visceral obesity. They were treated with HGH in a 9-month randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. The investigators concluded that their trial demonstrated that treatment with HGH can produce a reduction in abdominal/visceral obesity, and also improve insulin sensitivity, and has positive effects on diastolic blood pressure and lipoprotein metabolism

What About Long Term HGH Benefits?

One of the questions that arise is whether HGH can combat obesity long term.

Götherström and colleagues conducted a study among 118 HGH-deficient adults, 70 men and 48 women with a mean age of 49.3 years, ranging from 22 to74 years. They were looking to determine the effects of 5 years of HGH replacement on bone mass, body composition, and metabolic indices. A sustained increase in lean body mass and a decrease in body fat were observed. The investigators concluded that 5 years of HGH substitution in HGH-deficient adults is safe and well tolerated. In addition, there were numerous other benefits.

Another long term trial was conducted by Gibney and colleagues who studied 21 HGH-deficient adults who originally took part in a trial of HGH treatment in 1987. After completion of that study, a group of 10 patients receiving HGH therapy for 10 years were compared with a group of 11 patients who did not. They evaluated a number of factors. The investigators noted that there was an increase in lean body and muscle mass in the HGH-treated group compared with those in the untreated group.


Those that are overweight or obese should consider HGH supplements to enjoy weight loss benefits, and if you are significantly HGH deficient you should see your doctor for HGH injections. For more on HGH Supplements read more here!


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