8 Days 8 Changes 8 Pound Weight Loss

If you are ready to lose a few pounds but you hate the idea of diets and strenuous workouts – there’s some good news! It’s as easy as 8 – 8 – 8 or 8 days 8 changes and 8 pounds of weight loss.

Day 1 – No More Liquid Calories

hot woman bodyOne of the simplest calorie cuts you can do is to replace your sugary juices and drinks or calorie rich fizzy drinks with plain water. If you don’t like water, then add a little lemon or lime to it.

A recent study from the University of North Carolina, found when participants who were overweight made this simple change they were able to lose as much as 5% of their body weight, in comparison to those who kept drinking fizzy drinks.

Another study from Harvard School of Public Health learned that the switch to water caused a noticeable decrease in the risk of diabetes.

Day 2 – Out With the Grains

Grains like wheat, splet, oats etc. are the most common cause of food allergens that interfere with weight loss. When you consume food allergens your body produces more cortisol (stress hormone), which forces the body to increase the energy stores you get from your food in the form of fat. Grain can also cause spikes in the blood sugar levels, which will increase your hunger pains and your cravings for sugar.

Day 3 – Give Up Your Evening Snack

If you want to see your stomach shrink then you are going to have to give up evening snacks no matter how tempted you are. If you try to lose fat, your dinner should be finished at least 3 hours before you head to bed. There should also be 11 to 12 hours between your dinner and breakfast and you should not go to bed with a full stomach. While you’re sleeping it is metabolic prime time so this is when your store fats should be burned up. This only works if you don’t have food in your stomach and you have good sleep habits.

Day 4 – Take an HGH Supplement

Your body naturally produces HGH but as you age, your body produces less HGH and that leads to loss of lean muscle mass and an increase in fat, especially belly fat. When an HGH supplement like Sytropin, Genf20 Plus or HGH Advanced is taken it helps the body to increase production of HGH, which in turn leads to a decrease in belly fat and an increase in lean muscle mass.

Day 5 Switch Alcohol for chamomile tea

After a hard week at work the after work drink may be welcomed but rather than grabbing a beer opt for some chamomile tea. It can make a huge difference in weight loss. Beer has phytoestrogens, which can lead to increases in oestrogen, a hormone that encourages your body to store fat. A glass of chamomile tea has less calories and contains nerve soothing nutrients.

Day 6 Influence Your Hormones

You can use your diet to influence your hormones and this can positively affect your loss of fat. Leptin, a hormone that is found in fat cells, will talk to the brain to help figure out energy expenditures. If you have leptin resistance, your brain’s receptors don’t see the signal that you are full. You can help with leptin resistance by limiting your intake of fructose especially high-fructose.

Day 7 Avoid Quinoa

Avoiding quinoa can be controversial, but many experts say to avoid it because while it’s not a grain it has properties that resemble grains including irritating the gut. With quinoa the saponins are irritating. In fact, they are so irritating they are actually used in pesticide. So your digestion could suffer and so will your weight loss efforts.

Day 8 It’s Time to Fast

Try using the 16/8 model of intermittent fasting, where you eat normally at 6 pm and then you won’t eat again until noon the following day. So you eat for 8 hours during the day but then don’t eat for 16 hours. Drink tons of water and enjoy green tea while you fast. Make sure your meals are protein rich.

There you have it – incorporate these 8 things for 8 days and chances are you’ll loose 8 pounds. For more in how to lose weight stay healthy go here!


One thought on “8 Days 8 Changes 8 Pound Weight Loss

  1. I think the hgh is the key to the 8 day challenge. Combined with everything else, it will turn your body into a fat burning machine!

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