Is Fasting an Effective Way to Lose Weight

Studies show that if you go without food for a full 24 hours it can help you lose weight, but how does it compare against other dieting methods? Fasting isn’t new – it’s been around for ages. woman measuring waistIt has been practiced for religious reasons for centuries, but fasting to lose weight is still catching the attention of people in general. Online there are dozens of fasting plans that claim the benefits of fasting that range from losing 30 pounds in 30 days to flushing poisons out of the toxins – these claims are unproven.

There is no question that fasting will result in weight loss, if nothing else over the short term, but the risks tend to outweigh the benefits and fasting can actually do more harm than good.

Fasting Plans for Weight Loss

There are tons of fasting regimens out there, but basically they usually begin with a strict regimen that allows you to drink water/juice and/or some type of laxative mix. A few plans will let you take in a handful of solid foods, but they are still referred to as fasts because the calories provides are so minimal.

Not all fasting plans are created equal. There are plans that are completely safe like those medical fasts that are under the supervision of a doctor. There are cultural and religious fasts that usually last no more than 48 hours and there are weight loss fasts.

If you fast for a couple of days it is highly unlikely that you put yourself in danger unless you are already high risk, have a chronic condition, are elderly, are a child, or are pregnant. Where the danger is with fasting is in staying on it for prolonged periods of time – some fasts last as long as a month, which is dangerous, but even 3 days can be dangerous.

The Dangers of Weight Loss with Fasting

There’s no question if you significantly reduce your calorie intake you are going to lose weight, but it can lead to muscle loss and other health problems. In addition, your body will go into conservation mode so it will actually burn calories slower.

The initial weight you lose is usually fluid not fat. When you start eating again your weight returns and you are likely to put on a few extra pounds because your metabolism has slowed and that weight is almost always all fat. Any muscle you lost has to be gained back through exercise.

Side effects from fasting include:

  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Muscle aches
  • Low blood sugar
  • Fatigue
  • Weakness

Prolonged fasting can cause:

  • Anemia
  • Liver problems
  • Kidney problems
  • Weakened immune system
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Vitamin & mineral deficiency
  • Diarrhea
  • Muscle breakdown

The longer you stay on a fasting plan the higher the risk of serious complications.

Why a Detox Diet is Unnecessary

It seems to make sense that if you fast it would cleanse harmful substances from your body that could cause all kinds of problems like headache, fatigue and obesity, but to date, there is no scientific evidence that fasting removes toxins. Your body is pretty equipped to handle toxins – skin, colon, lungs, liver and kidneys are all capable of removing toxins.

Human Growth Hormone Used in the Management of Obesity

Obesity individuals have lower HGH levels. Growth hormone can reduce obesity through the action of two enzymes. These two enzymes control lipogenesis and lipolysis, which breaks down stored triglycerides into free fatty acids. Many other studies have found that growth hormone is effective in reducing fat mass, especially visceral fat.Many other studies have found that growth hormone is effective in reducing fat mass, especially visceral fat.

What Nutritionist Have to Say About Fasting

Most nutritionists agree that fasting poses potential dangers, especially when used for weight loss. Healthy eating and not taking in too many calories is a better option than fasting. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy, whole grains, healthy fats, and lean protein is a good place to start. Combine it with proper exercise to get the best results. Add an HGH supplement Like Genf20 Plus and really maximize your weight loss.


2 thoughts on “Is Fasting an Effective Way to Lose Weight

  1. A detox diet WORKS. I’ve lost 5 pounds off that lemon-cayenne pepper drink thing that Beyonce drinks. Not the best tasting, but it works.

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