This Weight loss forum discusses ways to lose weight and reverse obesity using healthy diets, fitness and natural supplements. Remember we are not liable for the info that is discussed in this forum and always consult with your doctor before taking any weight loss advice from this forum or any other forum for that matter.

Moderator: GrahamM

Forum rules: No spamming please! All posts that are only made for the sole purpose of obtaining links for commercial purposes will not be approved. Also We are not liable for the info posted on the forum so please use sound judgment and always consult your doctor for any health related issue.
By Ninaskisy
#74704 Отработка — это достаточно дешевое масло, а иногда и совершенно бесплатное топливо. Его можно использовать в работе печи. Печь на отработанном масле — экономное решение в вопросе отопления зданий промышленного характера, гаражей, автомастерских, теплиц и некоторых других помещений.