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How Many People are HGH Deficient?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 11:16 pm
by HealthandFitness
HGH is approved by the FDA to treat both an HGH deficiency in children (normally detected at first through the child having a very short stature) and for morbid obesity in adults. HGH injections can help a child with HGH deficiency achieve a more normal adult height that what he otherwise would have had, and they can also help the morbidly obese cut their fat mass and build lean muscle.

However, the more we learn, the more we realize that adults can be HGH deficient too, and that there are many individuals who greatly benefit from HGH therapy.

Many people suffer from "premature" signs of aging, even if they live healthy lifestyles. And yet, the FDA has not approved HGH to treat this condition, even though HGH has improved the quality of life of many people who were dissatisfied with their appearance or energy levels. Even though HGH levels usually drop starting in the twenties, the medical community is still often reluctant to describe adults as HGH deficient.

Part of the problem is that aging has been considered normal for so long, that anyone who wants to keep high energy levels, a high libido, and youthful strength and flexibility is labelled as vain. Nothing could be farther from the truth. If you started getting daily migraines when you turned 25, wouldn't you want to do something about it? And wouldn't your doctor help you? So why do doctors dismiss the concerns of patients who want to get rid of the fines lines and little aches and pains that start in the twenties?

Well, some doctors are starting to realize that HGH levels do not have to decline (in fact, some people do keep high levels of HGH longer than others) and that while we cannot stop people from getting older, we might be able to slow down or even stop aging. There are doctors who prescribe HGH off label to treat the signs of aging, and their patients couldn't be happier. HGH injections may be expensive, but when your treatment is monitored by a doctor, chances of side effects are slim to none.

So, if you want to know how many people are HGH deficient, it may turn out that we all are, once we get into our 30s, 40s, and beyond.

Re: How Many People are HGH Deficient?

PostPosted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 3:20 am
by Sapphire
Thanks for this post. For a long time I have been wondering: "Am I HGH deficient?" Because even though I am still young, the sleep and weight problems that are creeping up on me are already far more resistant to a healthy diet and exercise than they should be. It's time I found an answer!

Re: How Many People are HGH Deficient?

PostPosted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 9:27 pm
by angela1973
hi im new to this forum, and have had low energy levels for 4 years weight gain, tiredness,
i was diagnosed 4 yrs ago with a pituirity swelling and a whole bunch of symptoms came along
i have to take loads of meds, and now have been told i am hgh deficient and have been for years i have been told i will need daily injections
but im a tad peed off with the endo doctors who could have gave me this test about 3yrs ago as i have been living like an old woman for the past 4 yrs
anyway im getting hgh shortly and am a bit scared of all the sideffects it can give you .
looking for any advise from anyone who takes hgh themselves.

Re: How Many People are HGH Deficient?

PostPosted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 1:42 am
by Sapphire
Hi, welcome to the forum!
Sorry to hear about your story. Drs are human and can sometimes take awhile to figure out what is wrong. If your HGH is prescribed by a dr, then he or she should be monitoring the dosage and any side effects closely. HGH doesn't really have side effects unless you take excessive dosage levels. I don't believe in doing anything illegal, but if you live in a place where taking HGH without a prescription is legal and you are doing this on your own, carefully research what your dose should be based on your age, sex, body weight, and medical conditions.
Good Luck!