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Getting the Right Amount of HGH

PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 12:37 am
by HealthandFitness
As more and more people turn to illegally-obtained HGH injections to help put on muscle, lose weight, recover faster from injuries and workouts, and look and feel younger, the rate of negative side effects increases.
Because when you get HGH from an unreliable source (and if you're getting it illegally, it's an unreliable source. If someone doesn't hesitate to break the law, they won't hesitate to cut corners by skipping quality control) you don't know if the dose written on the product is the dose that's actually in the needle. Unless you're a biochemist yourself, you don't know if what's in the needle is even HGH, or if it's been cut with or replaced with something else. You don't know if that needle can been used before without being sterilized.
When you have a doctor's prescription, and you aren't seeing the results you want, your doctor can help adjust your prescription safely so that you get the right amount of HGH. When you're purchasing HGH on the black market, it can be tempting to simply double up on doses in the help that it becomes twice as effective.
In reality, this just makes it more likely that you will experience negative side effects. Some of the rarer, more serious side effects of HGH abuse (as opposed to medically supervised use) include diabetes and heart problems.
So, I always recommend either finding a doctor who will prescribe HGH injections and monitor you to make sure you get the right amount of HGH, or trying a safe, legal supplement.
Of course, you need to research your supplements to make sure you aren't throwing away your money on scams!