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Does Aspartame Make it Harder to Lose Weight?

PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 12:53 pm
by Sapphire
I was wondering, does aspartame make it harder to lose weight? I was losing weight pretty quickly by restricting my calories, but I've stalled for awhile now, and I think the stall started at the same time that I started drinking these 0 calorie carbonated flavoured waters to help me feel full. I'm still eating a restricted diet that should be showing results based on both logic and my experience with my own body. Is it the aspartame making it hard for me to lose weight?

Re: Does Aspartame Make it Harder to Lose Weight?

PostPosted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 2:31 pm
by karategirl
Oh, I heard of this too. Mostly I don't drink that stuff because of the horrible aftertaste. And they just don't taste right. I sometimes really water down my fruit juice so I still get the real taste but I'm not getting as much sugar.