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What is Yohimbe? Can it help me lose weight?

PostPosted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 7:54 pm
by angelfire
Sick of the jitters you get when taking caffeine-based weight loss supplements?
Try supplements made with Yohimbe!
Yohimbe blocks receptors that respond to hormones telling your body to stop burning fat which means that your body doesn't get the message that it needs to stop burning, and so it keeps burning fat longer! If you're sick of "plateauing" and wondering why you have to workout longer and longer to keep losing weight, it might be time to try a supplement with Yohimbe. Your body will stop getting the "fat stores are low, so stop burning" message, and keep burning fat longer.
This is a great addition to eating clean and having a solid workout regimen.

Re: What is Yohimbe? Can it help me lose weight?

PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 7:06 pm
by DoubleDay
Awesome! I tend to plateau easily even when doing all the right things and taking supplements, and you can't just keep upping doses of caffeine based supplements because it can be so dangerous. Yohimbe sounds great!

Re: What is Yohimbe? Can it help me lose weight?

PostPosted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 9:41 pm
by zimerzim
Do you know what the dosage to burn fat with yohimbe is? And also I am confused I just went to Wikipedia and they are saying mostly that yohimbine from Pausinystalia yohimbe is an aphrodisiac that helps impotent men get erections. Can women take it and would they get same side effects as men since they don't have the same sexual organs as men? :P

Re: What is Yohimbe? Can it help me lose weight?

PostPosted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 1:03 am
by angelfire
Hi Zimerzim!

It's not really an "aphrodisiac"--it increases circulation. So, like viagra, it doesn't make a man aroused, but it helps with the circulation so that once he becomes mentally aroused by something, he has an easier time becoming physically aroused. Yes, those things can have a similar effect on women, but of course different according to the different "parts" if you get my drift :D
It's other effects are increased fat burn.

Re: What is Yohimbe? Can it help me lose weight?

PostPosted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 1:05 am
by GymJoe
hey so is this a good thing to use for cutting? or will it decrease muscle mass for weight loss?