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first hgh cycle any tips?

PostPosted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 8:09 pm
by john89
im gettin ready to start my first cycle of hgh i only have 10 vials from what i have read so far thats not really a proper cycle but will it still be effective if so how should i dose it and when? i am planning to stack it with deca, sustanon and dbol as well...ive cycled those before but im not to framiliar with hgh so any tips on how to get the most effectivness from what i have would be great and what types of results could i expect ive heard it takes months to see any real result an also that you can see them almost right away just wanna sort out the truth from the BS thanks.

Re: first hgh cycle any tips?

PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 6:28 pm
by catsanddogs
Wow is it normal to take so many things at one time? Sorry I'm just cruising looking for hgh advice, but I was thinking pills, not vials!

Re: first hgh cycle any tips?

PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 6:38 pm
by GymJoe
deca has similar effects to hgh, so i'd be careful stacking them. if you've done the rest of that stack before, add in hgh slowly, i would think. from what i've read, if you were just using hgh alone then you wouldn't have enough at all. with sustanon you dont have to worry so much about frontloading, so thats a good thing to have in a stack if your new to the game.
as always, be really careful. im assuming of course that u live somewhere where using this stuff is legal. Remember steroids are illegal in a lot of countries and can have severe long lasting side effects. Taking short cuts is never a good idea.