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PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 9:57 am
by antonio1980
I'm taking testosterone (testim) 50 mg/5gm gel for the past month.My testosterone is low. Would HGH help me with my medication or hurt me. I'm 49 years old male.Should I stop taking it. thanks


PostPosted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 12:44 am
by HealthandFitness
Hi, welcome to the forum!
We always recommend checking with your doctor, but hgh is a natural hormone produced by the human body that can mimic the effects of testosterone in many cases (without the usual side effects testosterone can have!)
For example, taking HGH has been shown to help with the gain of lean muscle, the loss of fat, the return of higher levels of energy, libido, and vitality, faster recovery from workouts and injuries, and having deep, restful, healthy sleep at night. It has also been shown to restore skin thickness and reduce signs of aging.
Taking HGH may certainly complement your medication in a good way, but always check with your doctor to be sure about possible interactions.
Good luck!