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HGH Advanced and Diet

PostPosted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 12:49 am
by bigone77
I started taking HGH Advanced and I'm really looking forward to good results. HGH Advanced has great reviews which is why I picked it. I need to do my part, though. I've always been good at working out, but its eating healthy that can be tricky for me. There aren't too many fruits and vegetables that I like. Can anyone help me out with some of their favorite fruits, veggies, or healthy recipes that can help break up a boring diet routine? I really need to cut some fat that's been creeping up on me the past few years. Thanks!

Re: HGH Advanced and Diet

PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 3:42 am
by lolita
I'm a huge carnivore, so I love healthy stir-frys. That way, a little bit of meat makes all the vegetables a little meat-flavored, and I can eat a bunch of veggies without feeling like they're bland and boring.

Re: HGH Advanced and Diet

PostPosted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 2:02 am
by Victory77
Find a local supermarket with a well-stocked produce section and wander around. You might be surprised at the variety of fruits and veggies you've never heard of before. Be adventurous and grab a few that look interesting, then get home and google how to prepare them.