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Quit Smoking for Health and Appearance

PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 3:30 am
by loveyourlife
Quitting smoking is hard, there's no doubt about it. Nobody has to fess up, but I bet quite a few people on this forum smoke. We are all here to figure out how we can look younger on the outside and feel younger on the inside, right? It's true that good food, exercise, and supplements can keep us looking and feeling great, but many people have bad habits they need to get rid of other than snacking.

Smoking takes years off your life. Other than the risk of cancer, smoking causes damage in the here and now. Take a look at a 40 year old smoker who has been smoking since his or her teens. Chances are, he or she looks at least ten years older than he or she is. If you want to stay looking youthful and healthy into your 40s, 50, 60s, and beyond, giving up smoking is your best chances.

Smoking causes deep wrinkles, obvious folds in facial skin, and dries and yellows your teeth, skin, hair, eyes, and nails. In other words, smoking makes you look older and less attractive! It also causes damage to your lungs and arteries that make you tire more easily. So you're going to feel older, too!

If you make the effort to quit now, you'll live a healthier, more energetic, and more attractive life--I guarantee it! Don't give up if it seems to hard, because there is plenty of support to be had!

Good luck quitting smoking for a healthier life!

Re: Quit Smoking for Health and Appearance

PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 4:04 am
by sparkle
How do you quit smoking? I know there are places that offer support, but do they actually work? I don't want to waste time or money on something that's just going to have me puffing away again a few weeks later.

Re: Quit Smoking for Health and Appearance

PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 9:25 pm
by loveyourlife
hi sparkle,

They do work, but everyone is different. That's why there are so many different approaches. You might see one way of quitting advertised and think "this is bullsh!t, that would never work" and that might be true...for you. It might help other people with different problems or personality types. Some people find that smoking helps them avoid other issues, and only therapy helps them deal with those issues so they can quit smoking. Some people are strictly addicted to nicotine, so using gum or a patch helps them break that addiction pretty easily. Some people are so accustomed to having something in their mouth that they can't quite unless they chew toothpicks, pens, etc.

I guess the moral is that you need to figure out why you're addicted before you can quit!

Good luck!

Re: Quit Smoking for Health and Appearance

PostPosted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 3:12 am
by themailman
Smoking is a bad habit that's hard to get rid of. I know the patches work really well when used with counseling, maybe try that.