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What is a Chemical Peel?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 2:33 pm
by loveyourlife
Although I think it's better to live holistically and address problems on the inside in order to look better on the outside, there are many people who choose to use Chemical peels instead of or in addition to holistic methods (like watching what you eat and drink, avoiding smoking and environmental toxins, etc)

I have heard of "chemical peels" my whole life, but never understood why applying a harsh chemical to your face could make you look better. I did some research and found out that yes, the whole point of a chemical peel is to cause damage to one or more layers of skin. The reason is because targeted damage activates healing and growth factors that normally aren't active in an adult face, and these healing factors do more than just heal the damage caused by the peel--they also heal previous damage caused by environmental exposure or free radicals. In other words, a chemical peel can help your skin heal some of the signs of aging it had experienced up until that point.

A chemical peel can't make a 45 year old look 17 again, but many people say that it makes them look 5 years younger! Of course, results depend on a lot of different factors, including how fast you heal, certain medical conditions you may have, how old you are, and how healthy your lifestyle is. The healthier you are, the better you are likely to respond to this kind of cosmetic treatment.

If you are desperate to refresh your look and healthy living and supplements on their own aren't cutting it, make sure you consult a doctor for procedures like chemical peels. If you feel suspicious, or your questions don't get answered, don't let that person put chemical on your face! The potential side effects are scary!

If you haven't tried supplements yet, maybe try checking out natural HGH supplements before spending money on a chemical peel, with it's many possible side effects. Whatever you do, do your research and be safe!

Re: What is a Chemical Peel?

PostPosted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 7:40 pm
by efpierce
I drive by a place that does chemical peels and every day I wonder just what it is and how much it will help me. I don't want to go in because I am sure they will try to upsell me and pull the high pressure sales thing on me when I only want some answers to questions I have. Your post has helped me out and made it so I can avoid having to stop in and see them. :)

Re: What is a Chemical Peel?

PostPosted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 3:13 am
by briana
A chemical peel, if done correctly, is one of the best non-invasive procedures you can have. Period.