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Difference between Ablative and Non-ablative Lasers?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 14, 2012 7:21 pm
by loveyourlife
What is the difference between ablative and non-ablative lasers?

If you are looking into laser skin resurfacing, you might be wondering whether to choose an ablative or non-ablative laser. Well, the difference between an ablative laser and a non-ablative laser is simply that ablative lasers actually remove some of the skin treated by vaporizing or burning it away. This is nothing to be scared of. Just like chemical peels do burn some layers of skin off, and dermabrasion scrapes some of it off, laser treatments do get rid of some damaged skin, revealing new, younger looking skin underneath. Non-ablative lasers damage skin without removing it. Ablative lasers may have a slightly longer recovery time, but can have dramatic results.

Remember to always do your research and make sure all of your questions are answered by your doctor before jumping into any cosmetic treatment! All of these things have very real risks and should be taken seriously.

Re: Difference between Ablative and Non-ablative Lasers?

PostPosted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 5:45 am
by donadiva
Profraxional lasers are very safe for most types of skins with a very short recovery time.