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What is a Mommy Makeover? Is it Safe?

PostPosted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 6:29 pm
by loveyourlife
"Mommy Makeovers" are becoming more and more common. Women everywhere are realizing that just because they have children doesn't mean they can't still feel --and look--confident and sexy. Some women are single moms who are still looking for a relationship connection and want to look their best, and others want to get back to their pre-baby shape to "keep the home fires burning" with the father of their children.

It's impossible to deny that most women feel more confident and happy if they like the way their bodies look. Although I don't like to promote plastic surgery, pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding can cause changes that can't be fixed through diet and exercise. Many women work hard on eating healthy and sneaking in exercise after having a child, and get back to their pre-pregnancy weight, but look in the mirror and see deflated, sagging breasts, tummy pooches, and sagging skin. Some women gain pregnancy weight in their butts, and find that things never quite get back to normal back there, either!

Usually a "Mommy Makeover" involves more than one procedure being performed at the same time. Common procedures includes breast lifts, breast augmentation or reduction (some women's breasts grow after breastfeeding, and some shrink, but many women experience sagging no matter what the breast size) tummy tucks, liposuction for trouble areas, and butt lifts.

What are the risks of Mommy Makeovers?

Like any plastic surgery procedure, Mommy Makeovers have a risk of scarring and infection. Doing your research and choosing a top notch plastic surgeon, as well as following pre- and post-surgery directions to the letter, decreases your chances of experiencing these side effects. Because Mommy Makeovers often involve more than one procedure, the surgery time is longer and the recovery time is often longer than if you only get a single procedure. As always, it is imperative to discuss any optional surgeries with your regular physician as well as your plastic surgeon, because certain medical conditions may increase your risk.

Mommy Makeovers are most suited to women who are finished having children and who are not significantly overweight, who already have healthy diet and exercise routines. Many women have "found themselves" again after a Mommy Makeover and swear that it's worth the (significant) price tag.

Re: What is a Mommy Makeover? Is it Safe?

PostPosted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 3:12 am
by briana
Be very careful with these! My friend had some "work" done and it was a nightmare. She had the best doctor in the state and the work that was done turned out worse than what was being fixed. After the required healing process, she still had to go back and have more work done that wasn't included in the original procedure. Ask a lot of questions before doing anything.