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Laser Treatments for Acne

PostPosted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:34 pm
by nightandday
For people who have tried everything out there, including prescriptions, and are still plagued by acne, there is new technology available to help.

If you have stubborn blackheads, whiteheads, or cysts, you might be feeling desperate. Many adults suffer from acne that they feel should have been left behind in their teens. Although simple acne may respond to a better hygiene regimen, more complicated acne might require identifications of possible allergies and changes in diet, prescriptions, or even laser treatment.

Treatment with blue light is a great addition to traditional acne therapies. Patients see their skin clear by 30-60%, and when used in conjunction with other therapies, many patients see truly clear skin.

Another type of laser therapy uses pulsed light in addition to a gentle vacuum-like device which loosens the dirt, oil, and dead skin cells in clogged pores and removes the clogs. This therapy is a blessing for people suffering from blackheads or whiteheads which don't respond to traditional clearing cleansers.

The causes for acne are many. That's why there are so many treatments available. No one has to suffer with acne--keep trying until you find the treatment that is right for you!

Re: Laser Treatments for Acne

PostPosted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 3:35 am
by aaron
I would be all for these treatments. Sometimes traditional topical medications just aren't enough and more drastic treatments have to be looked at.