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Moderator: GrahamM

By Sapphire
#16942 It just doesn't seem fair. Celebrities are gorgeous and glowing throughout their entire pregnancies, never seeming to get swollen legs or cellulite, and then, 6 weeks after they've had the baby, celebrities lose all the baby weight and fit right back into their old clothes again. What gives? And how can you lose the baby weight as fast as celebrities do?

While, for starters, most celebrities make sure they gain the least possible amount of weight in order for the baby to be healthy. If you're having an average-sized baby, and every aspect of your pregnancy is overseen by a medical professional (remember that celebrities can also afford to hire the best doctors and consult with them as often as they wish) you can gain as little as 19 lbs during a pregnancy and still have a healthy baby. So remember that one of the reasons celebrities seem to lose baby weight so quickly is that they barely gain any in the first place!. Once the 6-8lb baby is out, along with the fluids cushioning the baby, and the uterus shrinks back down, that accounts for pretty much every ounce they gained.

You can take baby weight off as fast as the stars do if you are disciplined about eating healthy portions of healthy food during your pregnancy. It is important not to "diet", but follow your doctor's directions to the letter about what, when, and how much you should be eating.

After giving birth, wait for your doctor's ok, and then start doing post-natal exercises. Obviously celebrities start exercising as soon as they are allowed to after giving birth. Between appropriate abdominal exercises and nursing, which can burn up to 500 calories a day, your body will snap back in no time, just like a celebrity's. Remember to downsize your portions after giving birth, when your body no longer needs the extra calories.

Remember that everyone is different, and you should always keep your doctor in the loop and ask about everything you plan to do during and after pregnancy to keep yourself in shape. If your doctor tells you that something is not safe for you or the baby, don't do it! Fitting into your pre-pregnancy jeans as fast as the celebrities do isn't worth damaging your health or the health of your child.
By trixxie
#17716 In order to have a healthy baby you need to make sure you're doing everything possible to keep your weight up, taking all your prenatal vitamins, and going to see a doctor regularly. Even though a woman fits into the category "celebrities" does not mean that she isn't going to be a good mother or do everything she can to keep the baby healthy. To me, it just means that this mother can afford a personal trainer and cook so that 6 weeks after the baby is born she can be fitting right back into her old clothes. Even if you don't fit into that special category does not mean you cant do the same thing. All you would have to do is eat right and excercise and you can be back to your old self in no time.
By HealthandFitness
#17798 I agree with you there. I think some celebrities are terrible parents who pawn their children off on nannies way to often...just because you have a lot of money doesn't make you a good parent! I also think some famous women take it a little too far...when they are a week away from having a baby they don't even look pregnant from behind, which worries me that they have not gained enough weight.
I just think the important thing to is keep yourself and your baby healthy!