Welcome to the hgh forum human growth hormone forum, please feel free to discuss anything pertaining to HGH, Anti Aging, bodybuilding and any subject that relates to health and anti aging supplements. Keep in mind that the issue of HGH is very touchy so please nothing illegal should be discussed in this Forum. We shall not be liable for any content that is posted in the forum as this is an open Forum. Remember it is always wise to talk to your physician before doing anything that relates to your health.

Moderator: GrahamM

By HealthandFitness
#17797 There could be a large number of reasons for this.
What you eat can affect metabolism and body temperature. Eating a lot of spicy food can result in sweating, because the compounds in them will raise your body temperature (and help you burn more calories!)
Many weight loss supplements contain these compounds as well, so you may find yourself sweating more if you are taking a supplement. Although it may be unsightly when you wear certain shirts, it is generally not a problem to be a little sweatier than normal.
Hormonal fluctuations can cause "hot flashes" even if a woman is not in menopause. I personally experience these during certain times when my hormones are fluctuating.
Low blood sugar can also cause sweating. If you are trying to lose weight, it is usually better to eat healthy meals throughout the day rather than fast, especially if you are experiencing other symptoms of low blood sugar. Please go to your doctor if you're not sure why it's happening, so that you can rule out low blood sugar. Other than that, sweating a lot doesn't hurt you!