This forum discusses Anti Aging creams and anti wrinkle creams. Feel free to share with us any facts about anti aging anti wrinkle creams, serums, procedures or anything that is used to remove wrinkles and make skin look younger and more vibrant.

Moderator: GrahamM

By HealthandFitness
#17862 Does your skin feel tight after you wash your face? Have you always been told that that's how you know that your cleanser is working and your face is really clean?
Well, it's time to rethink that old advice.
Harsh cleansers that make your skin feel tight after washing are stripping your skin of all the natural oils that it actually needs in order to keep it looking young, plump and smooth. Over drying your skin causes fine line and wrinkles to appear earlier than they otherwise would, and can worsen the appearance of existing lines. It also causes your skin to produce even more oil than usual in order to compensate for the dry skin, which can increase acne--the main reason most people turn to harsh cleansers in the first place!
To break this cycle, you need to use hydrating creamy cleansers. Also, don't forget to moisturize with a high quality anti-aging moisturizer right after you wash your face, every morning and every night. A little prevention goes a long way when it comes to looking young!
By Sapphire
#17989 This is great advice! I always wondered why my face was so tight after I washed it--I would need to apply moisturizer three times or more over my whole face to get it feeling normal again! I'm going to look into switching my cleanser.
By DoubleDay
#18569 No soap, no harsh cleansers! People don't get it! If you scrape too many skin cells off of your face, you can create tiny tears in the skin's surface. Then, bacteria move in, and your zits get worse!
By jenny47
#20444 feeling tightness in your face is not always a good thing it could be a sign of dryness caused by harsh detergents found in soap. Sometimes the feeling of tightness could also be caused by dermatitis or other skin conditions. I had to give up regular soaps for couple of months until the allergic reaction subsided.