This forum discusses Anti Aging creams and anti wrinkle creams. Feel free to share with us any facts about anti aging anti wrinkle creams, serums, procedures or anything that is used to remove wrinkles and make skin look younger and more vibrant.

Moderator: GrahamM

By marion
#21679 I see all these fancy creams out there--drug store versions, discount versions, online stuff, and many of them brag that they have "injectable grade" this and "the same as dermatologists use for that".


Am I the only one that thinks "just because it works on the inside doesn't mean it will do diddly-squat on the outside"? I mean, rubbing antibiotics on your skin doesn't get rid of strep throat, and rubbing insulin on your arm doesn't help lower your blood sugar if you're diabetic, right?

SO, do any of these ingredients actually work when you slather them on? Are there studies that prove it? I don't have a lot of money to waste on something that's just a bunch of BS. I want a real, anti-aging cream that works. Or else I'll have to save up for laser tightening, or something.
By Kazia
#23858 A good anti-aging cream should have the ability to improve or speed-up natural cell turnover so your complexion can look it's best. It should also help keep the complexion clear and free from brown spots and discoloration which can also make you look older.
By marion
#23996 Thanks! Okay, so i'm looking for things that exfoliate dead skin cells? What ingredients actually do that when applied to the outside? Some stuff is too harsh and actually causes damage, and I want to stay clear of that!
By catsanddogs
#24956 I've used the avon stuff and it does work really well, but you have to follow the directions. you have to wash your face well first, then apply the cream slowly and make sure it is well massaged in. you have to follow the routine twice a day no matter what. that's the hard part.
By antiaging37
#26667 Ha, A wonderful thinking, scam, Yes anti-aging creams are scam but not all are. Those having proper ingredients and rich in skin care substances are not a scam. They work really well for your skin. To avoid scam you should be well awared of the useful ingredients. Proper knowing of application is also helpful.
By loveyourlife
#26822 No matter what you are looking for, there is always someone willing to sell you snake-oil instead!

Yes, I think there are good skin care products out there, but as everyone said: check ingredients carefully! Also remember to research the amount of each active ingredient that is in the product.