Keep Wrinkles At Bay Stay From The sun Away!

Ironically, one of the worst threats to your skin is found in nature. We are referring, of course, to sunlight. Ultraviolet rays from the sun can cause wrinkles and dark spots, especially in people who naturally have very little melanin. They can, of course, also lead to the development of skin cancer, now one of the most common types of cancer. The sun is likely to do the most damage to your skin during the hours of 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Try to have your outdoor activities during other hours. If you are trying to get some Vitamin D, keep in mind that you only need about a quarter or half an hour of sun exposure daily to get enough of it. In other words if you want to look young you must protect your skin from the sun.

The sort of aging, cancer-causing damage discussed above is not unique to natural sunlight, either. You can also get it by using tanning beds or sun lamps. Such facilities in professional establishments might be operated under safety guidelines, but they can cause a lot of damage in the long term. Some lovers of tanned skin who are aware of this danger have turned to spray-on tans, instead, especially since some treatments advertise the presence of anti-aging ingredients in their pigments.

Of course, there are also many people (particularly in the West), who believe that a suntan is an important part of being attractive. For such people, the link between sun exposure and wrinkles means that they must deal with a trade-off: they can have skin that is smoother but less tanned, or more bronzed but also have more wrinkles. Such people would do well to rethink their standards, especially if their skin is naturally very fair (skin cancer is definitely unattractive, after all). Fair skin is considered attractive in many cultures, particularly in Asia, and even in parts of the world where a tan is considered beautiful, one can still find many who like the appearance of light, smooth skin. In addition, no natural skin tone needs to be considered inherently unattractive. The right shades of clothes and makeup, for example, can serve to flatter one’s particular skin color—a tone that might look wan and washed-out in draped in pastels can look glamorous in dark jewel tones. The point is not to damage your skin in an effort to achieve the “right” color, but to work with your natural color in order to show it off to its best effect while avoiding wrinkles.

Fortunately, nature also provides ways to counteract or at least lessen the sun’s harmful and ageing effects on skin. Eating fruits and vegetables with lots of antioxidants can help protect your skin. Try treats like strawberries and pomegranates—while cutting down on additives like sugar, canned syrup, and cream, of course. Fresh is best. However, tomatoes may well be the exception to this principle: they seem to provide a large quantity of antioxidants even after having been cooked. In other words, next time you have pasta, make sure to call for a tomato-based sauce instead of a cream-based one.

Lemon juice is sometimes advocated as a natural way to bleach skin. However, bear in mind that this is not the same as reversing sun damage or protecting your skin from ultraviolet rays. The use of lemon juice on skin is risky, even if your skin is not particularly sensitive. This is because of the tendency of lemon juice to affect your skin’s acidity levels and dry cells out—another case of something natural being potentially harmful to your skin. Sometimes, natural means of improving your appearance come not from eating or drinking certain organic substances, but avoiding harmful environmental factors.

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8 thoughts on “Keep Wrinkles At Bay Stay From The sun Away!

  1. hi I just want you to let you know that your article is exactly right. as someone who lost loved one to skin cancer, I think it’s important that everyone, especially young people, pay attention. my friend loved to go tanning when we were young and I keep thinking that maybe if I had known enough to tell her why she should stop, she’d still be here with me today.

  2. i share that sentiment. i also lost a loved one to skin cancer just recently. unlike your friend, my uncle makes a living through gardening. he had no choice but to be under the sun all the time. if only he’d known better, he probably would have protected himself from the harmful rays. covering the body with as much clothing is just not enough as there are still spots that will be exposed. i feel i want to be a advocate for awareness regarding the negative effects of too much sun exposure. yes, sun exposure may not give out some clues of health issues at first, with only sunburns as obvious marks, but in the long run it will. and the cost you’ll have to pay is really high. so we should all start protecting ourselves from the sun, especially now that global warming is in effect.

  3. Aging is more than just about wrinkles. There are more pressing concerns that you must pay attention to rather than just your aging skin. Take note of your overall health. It is nice if you grow old without any trace in your appearance but it is definitely much better if you can still do a lot of activities with the ones you love regardless of your age. Pay more attention on your physical strength, on your mental ability. They matter more than how smooth or supple your skin should be.

  4. Aging is more than just about wrinkles. There are more pressing concerns that you must pay attention to rather than just your aging skin. Take note of your overall health. It is nice if you grow old without any trace in your appearance but it is definitely much better if you can still do a lot of activities with the ones you love regardless of your age. Pay more attention on your physical strength, on your mental ability. They matter more than how smooth or supple your skin should be.

  5. The sun’s rays are truly harmful. They do not only encourage the early onset of wrinkles but more importantly, develop certain risks for skin cancer. Next time you go out of the shade, think about that important thought!

  6. Get a shade, shade, shade. Sun worshippers must be alarmed at what ultraviolet rays can do to the skin. It can leave your skin wrinkled and ugly. What’s more, it can have irreversible effects, which are sometimes even life-threatening. Think twice before you decide about getting a tan!

  7. I was once advised to use lemon juice to make my skin lighter. I didn’t know it could have such bad effects. I tried it once but lo and behold, my laziness got the best of me. I think that’s luck!

  8. The sun can do a lot of damage to your skin, even before it starts to actually age. That’s why no matter how I love going to the beach and swim, I control myself. I can swim at night, anyway. Also, there are a lot of sun protection products that you can avail of so as not to feel as much of the damage. The best brands could help.

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