Losing Weight To Be Healthy And Happy

Everyone’s quest in life is happiness. It doesn’t have to be supreme happiness; just regular happiness suffices for most. What many do not understand is that happiness does not seep into your being from an external source. If you like yourself, you have the best chance of happiness. Liking yourself is like a sun inside of you. It has a thousand rays that shine forth into different areas of your thoughts and being.Sexy Woman's Body

It also affects others. If you are happy with yourself, how can you not be forgiving or kind and loving? It is impossible. Liking yourself should not be confused with loving yourself above all others. Liking yourself is a balanced state of mind where you know your place in life, your spiritual significance and an acceptance that you fit purposefully into the greater scheme of the universe.

Only One Thing Stands Between You And Happiness

Some come pretty close to liking themselves except for some nagging tiny little fifty or sixty pounds of excess weight hanging around that stops you from committing yourself to happiness. If that is the only thing that stops you from being unabashedly and grandiosely happy, then do something about it. Don’t miss out on the biggest “high” on earth. Lose that albatross around your neck, and thighs and other places. There are a number of really good diets out there. Check them out and see which one fits your schedule and your taste buds best. With a physician’s confirmation that dieting and exercising will not harm you, you can start as soon as you know which diet you will embrace.

Be smart About Losing Weight

Essentially, when you go on a weight loss diet, you are supposed to spend more calories than you take in. The result is that you lose weight. This can happen with almost any diet. The reason most people fail is that they do not adhere to the rules or they do not have the commitment they need for whatever time it takes to be successful with dieting. In its most basic form, a diet can be a sheet of paper.

You make a realistic assessment of your new calorie intake. If you want to lose all your excess weight very quickly, you may be tempted to give yourself a calorie number which you cannot possibly sustain for more than a day or two. Patience is a virtue, they say. So, make the number of calories to consume every day a realistic one.

Divvy Up The Calories

The next step to your simple diet is to determine how these calories should be distributed. For instance, if you allow yourself 1800 calories per day, you shouldn’t eat 1500 for dinner and divide the other 300 calories throughout the rest of the day. A better plan perhaps is that you eat 300 calories for breakfast, 400 – 500 for lunch, 200 for afternoon or evening snacks and 900 – 1000 for dinner. This includes liquids. Next, decide how to distribute the calories among the food groups, protein, carbohydrates and fat. A simple formula is 45% carbs, 30% protein and 25% fat.

Conquer The Pounds And Happiness Awaits You

List all your favorite food and meals on another sheet of paper; the initial calculations are a little time consuming because you have to weigh out your recipes and determine how many calories are in a salmon patty the way you make them. Once you know how many calories are in the entire batch, divide them into the portion your batch makes. After the first time, you can always refer to your sheets of paper that has everything listed and cooking for your diet will be as usual.

The only difference will be that you will now begin to lose weight. There are diets with already-made meals so you don’t have to calculate your own calories. Exercise programs will also help you to shed pounds and inches. When you go through this metamorphosis and emerge as a gorgeous butterfly, complete happiness should not be far.

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4 thoughts on “Losing Weight To Be Healthy And Happy

  1. I’m relieved that a step towards losing weight will also help me fight the signs of aging. No, I’m not concerned about the increasing numbers assigned as my age. I am more concerned about the decreased quality of life that getting old may bring up. This article is basically urging me to start a weight loss program that I can commit to and will be able to follow. I don’t need a speedy process. I can wait for my body to recover from the unhealthy habits that took a toll on my wellbeing. I just wish that at 45, it’s not too late for me. I’d like to have a better quality of life. I’d like to experience healthy aging and I’m starting NOW!

  2. This article proves to be a great advice. However, thios advice is not always easy to follow. I hate it that I am so determined to lose weight only to gain back the pounds thereafter. I wish losing weight is as easy as gaining the,. I know a lot of people would share my sentiment that even if we work it out for far too long, only a day of cheat can make a big differentce in our health and fitness. Maybe a need greater motivation, maybe not. For whatever it takes, I’ll probab;ly continue trying, with the help of some of the advice you raised. again, it was a great article. It’s not one that is easy to follow but it raised good points on how to leave a happy, healthy life, which I think should be the goal of all.

  3. I’m gonna make it possible. I will lose those extra weight. I will work it out. ( I hope I can make something out of this chant.) hahahaha

  4. i want to have an enviable body! i need to closely follow the advices i’ve read from this very well-written and useful piece.

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