10 Things You Are Doing Wrong at the Gym

There’s all kinds of people that head to the gym, but not everyone is making the most of their time there. A half-hearted effort is going to result in halfhearted results, something many of us forget. You’ll only get out of it what you put into it. Do you want to improve your workout. Do you know what you are doing that’s right? that’s wrong?woman working out

  1. Sticking to the same routine for too long – Your body is smart and can adapt quickly. If you do the same workout time and time again before long, your body is going become very adept at the exercises and you are not going to see any benefits. You need to be changing it up regularly if you want to see results.
  2. Letting time get wasted – The next time you meet your trainer for a session make sure you are working for the allotted time and not spending have your time chatting it up with your trainer. When you are working, are you giving it all you have to get your money’s worth? Gyms have a lot of pomp and circumstance, but aren’t always effective. You need to stay focused and make sure that you are getting what you paid for. It’s easy to get off track and yet the outcome is in your control.
  3. Thinking you only need a trainer now and then – This is one of the biggest mistakes made. You need to take what you learn to apply it and then make sure you see your trainer regularly so that it can be
  4. Thinking bigger weight equals bigger results – It’s a common assumption to think that if you lift more weight you’ll enjoy bigger results. Often that leads to the destruction of joints and little more. A better option is to do a high intensity short-term workout combined with an HGH supplement. The high intensity workout is proven to increase HGH production while an HGH supplement will help to boost the body’s production of HGH as well. This combination will provide you with the leanest muscle mass.
  5. Setting goals that are extreme and then going so hard that you burn out – Some people do well setting extreme goals such as a ‘goal to do a triathlon. But that type of training isn’t for everyone. Fitness shouldn’t be pushing yourself for a marathon and then forgetting about it. It needs to be a lifestyle choice. Often when you force yourself to prepare for a huge event you actually land up burning yourself out. Instead, make exercise part of your daily routine. You’ll enjoy far more benefits.
  6. When you circuit train not bothering with yoga – Yoga can play an important role in your exercise regime. It offers you a much different form of exercise offering you deep stretching and relaxation. It’s good for the mind and body and it works great following circuit training.
  7. Not taking an HGH Supplement – If you want to maximize your workout and enjoy the greatest amount of lean muscle mass you should take a high quality HGH supplement. This natural blend of vitamins, amino acids and other nutrients help the pituitary gland to produce more HGH and that in turn reduces body fat, especially in the mid section so you are more likely to develop your six-pack and it increases lean muscle mass for that sleek, lean body.
  8. Not getting professional help – Going it alone might seem like a wise idea but having the guidance of a personal trainer can really improve the outcome. Having a professional working with will ensure that you are doing the exercises correctly, that you have proper form, and that you are getting the most out of your cardio and weight training.
  9. When using a cardiac machine do not slump – It’s common to hang over the handlebars while using the Stairmaster or to slump forward on the treadmill. It’s very important not to do this and to maintain proper form. This will ensure you get the most out of your workout.
  10. Starting and stopping an exercise program – They might seriously restrict calories and workout all week long on The Biggest Loser for amazing results, but a person cannot sustain that type of workout long term. It’s simply not healthy. Instead, find an activity that works for you and engage in a regular exercise program.



2 thoughts on “10 Things You Are Doing Wrong at the Gym

  1. I am so glad I read this post. I actually forwarded the link to the trainer at the gym I go to. I have been on the same routine for too long, and I am not progressing. I assumed the trainer had too many clients and was just leaving everyone on the same routine. I want a new routine to see if it helps me advance, and sadly may have to go to a new gym to get one.

  2. Changing up workout routines is very important for your body as it will confuse the muscles and make them work harder. I used to work long shifts at a restaurant for many years and even though I was walking for 12 hours, I didn’t lose any weight because my body was used to it.

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