How to Get Fit Fast

Your muscles are an interesting bunch. They will respond to almost all training regardless of type just as long as it is hard and it’s not the same thing over and over. Essentially, what this means is that you need to challenge your muscles. So if you are looking to get fit, you’ll want to read on to discover the fastest way to get fit.

#1 Reduce Your Sedentary Time

senior couple runningDoctors are now recommending that you don’t sit for any more than 3 hours a day, so try to incorporate this into your life. Of course, if you work a desk job this could be impossible, but nevertheless make as many changes as you can to move towards a more active lifestyle.

  • Every day, walk for at least 30 minutes. It’s okay if you don’t have 30 minutes at one time to devote to walking, and then break it up into 10-15 minute intervals. For example, you can go for a walk on your lunch break or coffee break.
  • Avoid spending your time sitting in front of the television on evenings and weekends. Instead, use this time to spend it with your family doing something active. If you are going to sit and watch TV then at least exercise during the commercial breaks.
  • Try to spend more time standing at work. Perhaps you can invest in a sit/stand desk, which lets you raise your computer keyboard and screen so that you can stand and work. Standing burns calories and it can actually increase your energy.
  • Invest in a pedometer. This can help you to keep track to see if you are reaching the daily recommended 10,000 steps.

Set a goal and when you reach your goal reward yourself. Your goals shouldn’t be just based on weight loss alone. If you develop muscle mass your weight can actually increase. Use measurements – they are the true picture of what you have achieved.

#2 Changes to Your Diet

You should reduce your daily calorie intake by up to 25% but never any further or it will actually defeat your purpose.

  • Show for foods that lets you eat more while consuming fewer calories. To take in fewer calories you don’t have to eat less food.
  • Control your cravings by alternating your calorie reduction to every second day for the first 2-3 weeks. Research has shown that some find they are more successful using this method because they can still eat at least some of the favorite foods.
  • Cut out sugary, fried, salty and processed foods, which have, virtually no nutritional value and they are often packed with excessive calories.
  • If you know that you have strong cravings for certain foods then create sing servings and allow yourself to eat them twice a week.
  • Increase your intake of whole grains, lean protein and fresh produce. Fresh fruits and vegetable are healthy and they can actually help with cravings.
  • As you increase your exercising, increase your healthy snacking. This can be things like almonds, low fat yogurt or kale chips. Have a snack a couple of hours before your workout and an hour after.
  • Add metabolism boosting foods to your diet like spicy foods, green tea, grapefruit and cinnamon.
  • Don’t skip breakfast.

#3 Your Workout Plan

It’s important to recognize any mental barriers you have to exercise. If you are going to change your shape quickly, you will need to workout at least five times a week. If how fast you lose isn’t that important than you can begin with working out three times a week.

  • Invest some money into your workout. You are more likely to carry through if you have money invested. So sign up for a three month zumba, boot camp, or cardio burn class.
  • Break your workout down according to what phase of your workout you are in. For example, in Week 1 you might do 40 minutes of medium-high intensity cardio activity such as running, biking, etc. Week 2, you could split your workout into half cardio and half strength straining. Continue to build your workout over the weeks that follow for at least six weeks.
  • Use interval training if you want to increase your calorie burn. Switch between low, medium and high intensity for 2 to 5 minutes.
  • Invest in a heart rate monitor so you can keep track of your high heart rates.

#4 Take the Right Supplements

  • Protein Powders – when combined with a good workout they can help build muscle.
  • Amino Acids – These are protein building blocks responsible for developing body enzymes.
  • Human Growth Hormone – Released by the pituitary gland HGH is responsible for a number of body functions as well as the development and repair of muscle. HGH supplements can help your body to increase production and that in turn can help with your fitness.
  • Creatine – Produces adenosine triphosphate, a molecule that provides energy to your muscles
  • Glutamine – This amino acid develops the glucose your body uses for energy and to maintain muscle mass.

One thought on “How to Get Fit Fast

  1. If people tend to be more sedentary, it is going to be hard for them to give that up. They just need to know that it gets easier as they keep trying and one day they will realize that they made a big change in their life and it was all worth it.

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