History of Facial Exercises for Anti Aging

Although it may seem as though performing facial exercises to stave off wrinkles, sagging, and other signs of aging is a new trend, it has actually been done for thousands of years. Traditional Yoga exercises include stretches and poses for the face, which were said to increase circulation and result in smooth, plump, wrinkle free skin. These exercises were part of the whole Yogic lifestyle, which included much more than simply doing what we consider to be “yoga.” Yoga was, and is, an entire way of life that was supposed to increase strength, flexibility, and youthfulness well into old age.

We could do well to learn from the ancient Yogis, and the technique of facial exercise has indeed faded in and out of popularity over the years. In the 1980s there were several exercise videos that included facial poses and stretches in order to prevent or reduce wrinkles and double chins, and this trend is coming back once again. A quick internet search will confirm that there is a lot of interest in exercises for the face!

Facial exercises are not just used to combat wrinkles, but also sagging, dullness, double chins, and discoloration. Fans of facial exercise claim that it helps them look a decade younger than their true age by addressing all of these common problems.

By improving blood flow to the face, facial exercises can help your skin cells repair themselves faster and more effectively. The result is faster shedding of dead dull skin cells to reveal more youthful ones underneath. More blood flow also improves skin’s elasticity and tone, which improves the look of sagging facial features. In addition, massaging the face in the proper ways can increase lymph drainage, which helps the facial skin get rid of toxins that may be causing signs of aging.

Many people are tackling the signs of aging with a combination approach. Through a combination of diets, detoxes, supplements, and anti wrinkle creams like Lifecell, millions of people are experiencing a more youthful look. One of the most popular supplements for looking younger is HGH. HGH, or Human Growth Hormone is believed to turns back the clock on a lot of ailments commonly associated with old age. Since HGH injections are costly, HGH supplements are gaining in popularity. Formulas like HGH Advanced, Genf20 plus, Sytropin and GHR1000 are believed to prompt the body to produce more of its own HGH, resulting in the desired effect without the prohibitive cost.

Others prefer to tackle the problem of wrinkles from the outside in. Creams such as LifeCell are making a big splash in the news thanks to the unique blend of ingredients that cause lasting change in the appearance of wrinkles, sagging, and dullness. LifeCell is special in that it also contains ingredients that deflect light, making signs of aging disappear almost instantly. While you wear it, you look years younger, and the ingredients also work to make you look younger once you wash it off, as well.

Everyone is unique, and everyone’s approach to anti-aging should be unique, as well. Some lucky people find that exercising and eating healthy keeps them looking young for decades, while other people need to add supplements, creams, or facial exercises to achieve the same effect. One thing is for certain: the popularity of looking young is not going away any time soon!

Lifecell Anti Wrinkle Cream




8 thoughts on “History of Facial Exercises for Anti Aging

  1. I agree facial exercise can help keep the face wrinkle free for a long time but one must be careful not to do exercises that can make wrinkles worst. In other words any exercise that make the skin fold even more should be avoided.

  2. Looking young is more than just about doing facial exercises. I believe more on the combination approach of proper diet, regular exercise, healthy lifestyle, and the use of revolutionary anti-aging creams. They can do wonders. I’m a living proof!

  3. Keeping stress in check is also a nice way to keep yourself looking young. Studies show that high stress levels can cause your system to age, creating an overall effect not just in your aesthetics but more importantly, in your total wellbeing. Doing regular exercises is a good way to de-stress but am not so sure if doing facial exercises count for that as well. But I read somewhere that Yoga is one of the best exercises for reducing stress. If Yoga is an early form of facial exercise, it definitely count.

    Also, you will probably need a wellness coach to help keep you protected against chronic stress. This is all about fine tuning your mind and body to cope with the daily tensions and pressures that you encounter at work, at home, and practically anywhere.

    However, if your goal is to make your face not reflect your age, Cosmetic Science will give you lots of solutions as mentioned above in the article. I’m not a fan of creams. That’s why I prefer prevention by living a healthy lifestyle.

  4. great article! this helped me understand why facial exercises are important and how i can gain its supposed advantage in keeping the fountain of youth reflected on myself… we’ve been looking out everywhere for the perfect cure. what we don’t know is that facial exercises have been employed many years before to combat not just wrinkles but a host of many other skin problems that are associated with aging – sagging, dullness, discoloration, and even double chins and crow’s feet.

  5. i’d like to buy that! prevention is key to slowdown aging. if you do good to your body today, it will look younger for far too long. there is no need to work up yourself, chasing away all the new methods that could make you look young. starting a healthy lifestyle early will make you reap good fruits afterwards.

  6. Wow! Facial exercises go down a long way! I was apprehensive to try them because I’m afraid I’d get bored waiting for results to come. But I think I should as I’m also quite afraid of all the side effects that surgeries and topical treatments may bring.

  7. Do you mean I can rely on facial exercises for a younger-looking skin? Can it make wrinkles disappear or just like the others, they are good as preventive measures and not as treatments?

  8. Whoa! I didn’t know that facial exercises are backed up by history. If it had been quite useful for the ancient people, would they also be helpful for us in this modern times? Oh well, I don’t think so. The people of old did not have problems with chemicals and other environmental factors as much as we have now. That’s probably why they enjoyed healthier skin with simple facial exercises.

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