How to Enjoy your Caffeine Fix While Cutting Down on Side Effects

Coffee—brewed or instant, plain or with every possible trimming known to humankind—is a big part of many people’s lives. Going out together for coffee is a reliable social ritual, suitable for romantic, platonic, or even business relationships. Furthermore, harassed students or busy corporate employees often grab a quick cup as a way to boost their energy throughout the day. The cultivation of coffee beans is such a huge industry that economies of countries like Nicaragua would likely collapse without it.

Given the near-ubiquity of coffee, and the fashionableness of health consciousness, it is no wonder that much thought has been given to the health effects of coffee. True, it has antioxidants that can help prevent cancer, and may cause you to burn calories slightly faster. However, too much can not only make you jittery and irritable, but may also lead to hyperacidity, caffeine dependency, urinary tract problems, and various cardiovascular ailments such as high blood pressure and arrhythmia. Thus, there are reasons (besides the good taste, company, and caffeine high) to keep drinking coffee, but also reasons to closely monitor how we do it. Here are some ways to keep enjoying coffee, while having to worry less about attendant health hazards.

1. Savor your drinks. Drinking coffee slowly can cause a more gradual release of caffeine into your blood, which means that your caffeine high lasts longer. You will not be tempted to drink as many more cups of coffee throughout the day.

2. Avoid coffee or at least stick to the decaffeinated kind after 5 PM. Caffeine late in the day can seriously affect your sleeping cycle. Lack of sleep will make you drowsy the next day, which can, in turn, lead to you drinking more coffee in a sort of vicious caffeine-lubricated cycle.

3. Figure out exactly why you drink coffee. Is it really because you need the caffeine? Perhaps you just want something tasty to drink, or something to do with your hands or mouth. Another possibility is that you spend a great deal of time in coffee shops—which are, admittedly, often good places to work and socialize, particularly if they offer wi-fi—and ordering several cups of coffee simply seems like the normal or expected thing to do. Once you figure out the real reason(s) behind your large coffee intake, you will have a better idea of how to manage the amount of coffee you drink. For example, if you like having something to drink at coffee shops, try mild tea, hot chocolate, steamed milk, or juice instead.

4. Use less creamer. Non-dairy powdered creamers contain unhealthy additives. Try substituting real cream, or, if you are watching your calories, skim milk or soy milk.

5. Avoid drinking coffee on an empty stomach. Even young, relatively healthy individuals can experience disturbing symptoms like arm numbness and palpitations if they drink coffee while hungry. Try to take coffee with your meals, instead of drinking too much of it on its own. Coffee is great with cakes and pastries, too, of course.

6. Avoid coffee right after physical strain such as a run or a workout. At these times, your heart is beating both faster and harder. Coffee is likely to exacerbate this, tiring your heart unnecessarily. The process is especially risky if your general health is not great to begin with.

7. Remember to stay hydrated—and that does not mean drinking even more coffee! Coffee is a diuretic. It causes you to urinate, and if you go overboard, you can experience dehydration. Remember to drink some good old H20.

8. Pay attention to your taste buds. Once coffee starts to taste very sour or acidic, this is a sign from your body that you should not be taking in any more caffeine. Of course, this “warning” is more difficult to detect if your coffee tends to come with lots of sugar and whipped cream.

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6 thoughts on “How to Enjoy your Caffeine Fix While Cutting Down on Side Effects

  1. I loooooove coffee. That’s why I looooooooove this article. Thank you for a well-written post on how I could indulge without putting my health at risk. The guidelines you have provided will certainly keep me sleeping soundly at night, even after a caffeine fix. Yes, I could sleep well knowing that my addiction, oh no, not addiction but cravings for coffee will not do me any harm if I follow the instructions you hve provided. Thank you.

  2. Coffee is full of antioxidants. They can actually help keep away free radicals in the body. Then again, anything excessive could be dangerous especially since it doesn’t only come with all the good stuff. so you should still keep watch on your coffee intake and make sure that it is within the limits of your boundaries. The suggestions given in the article are truly useful. They will help all coffee-drinkers out there to keep their intake controlled. DO not take more than what is okay. Do not take more, which may harm your health and overall wellbeing.

  3. Coffee offers a nice way to wake up your senses and keep you alert all the time. However, I was quite worried about its side effects that’s why I have cut down on my intake. Finding this article gave me a license anew to indulge in coffee without guilt. Thank you so much for writing this article, giving people informative knowledge on what and what not to do to keep yourself fit, happy, and healthy!

  4. I love to drink coffee that’s why I’m thankful I found this useful article! Great post! Truly enlightening!

  5. Thank you for all the tips. It’s nice to be guided even on very simple things like drinking coffee and stuff. You opened my mind to the possibilities and the many ways I can control my coffee intake from bordering into addiction!

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