The Mini Facelift

Mini facelifts are the answer to many people’s dilemmas. They want to look better but they just can’t find the time to have a surgical procedure done that takes them away from their home and work for a few weeks. Financial considerations for a full facelift may also be a prohibitive factor. The mini facelift seems to answer all these concerns. Recovery time is very quick, hence the term “weekend facelift.” A mini facelift focuses on only a particular area of your face rather than the whole face.  The method used is to lift the skin and tissue underneath and reposition it to a place where it was twenty years earlier. Incisions are minimal and healing time is very short.

Mini Facelifts focus On One Area Only

There are various other reasons for choosing the mini facelift than just time and expenses. They actually have different purposes. Generally, people choose a full facelift if they want to enhance the appearance of their entire face. Wrinkles, lines and sagging skin may be addressed all at once with a full facelift. A mini facelift is designed to focus on one particular area of your face. If you need your chin line defined or sagging jowls reshaped and tightened, a mini facelift is the perfect solution for you. Unfortunately, the forehead and the brow area cannot be addressed by a mini facelift but it is a great alternative to a full facelift for many procedures.

The Best Candidate For A Successful Mini Facelift

The best candidate for a mini facelift is a person who is still in their thirties or forties. Their skin has still elastic qualities and their pre-existing health issues are often non-existent or very minor, especially in comparison to a patient in his or her sixties. A great candidate is one that doesn’t smoke and doesn’t drink excessively. Being in good physical shape is definitely advantageous to the overall result.

Methods Of Operation

The technique for a mini facelift is to make a tiny incision, rather than a large one. This minimizes any chances for infection and cuts healing time into a fraction of that for a full facelift. Your comfort level will be so much better as well. Once the surgeon has placed his initial incision, he will then carefully separate skin from underlying tissue and suction or carefully trim out the superfluous fat. If you are having your chin more defined or your neck tightened, the surgeon will then tighten the muscle tissue under the skin. He then replaces the skin to cover the area of the muscle again and removes any excess skin.

Sutures or staples close the incision and the healing process begins. Sometimes a small drainage tube is left in place to drain any accumulating fluid. To minimize swelling and discoloration, your area of surgery may be bandaged, which will also aid in healing by keeping the area clean.

Surgery Locations

You will be anesthetized for either one of the procedures, the full facelift as well as the mini facelift. The full facelift is always done under general anesthesia while it is up to the surgeon’s preference whether the mini facelift will be done under general or local anesthesia. This requires close monitoring. For the mini lift, the surgeon has several choices of operating theater. It can be in his office, at a surgery center for outpatients, or regular hospitalization, especially if the patient had pre-existing health issues.

Beginning Recovery

When the procedure is finished, you should not be in great discomfort. If you are in pain, medication will be prescribed or administered to lessen the stress. Sleeping may require you to be more in a sitting position than lying flat to keep your surgery area free of swelling from gravitational fluids. After your bandages are removed, you may be alarmed by numbness in the surgical area. This is actually quite normal and nothing to worry about. Your feeling will return in time. After eight to ten days you will have your sutures or staples removed. With a clever and careful move of comb and hairbrush, scars can be concealed until the redness fades or can be covered with make-up.

Aftercare Instructions

You will be given instructions on what you can and cannot do for the next few weeks. This is to protect you from re-opening your incisions or injuring your readjusted features. Avoid anything strenuous at all for the next several weeks. The best you can do is just to do as little as you can regarding any lifting or heavy work. Focus on healing and regaining your energy. It may take up to six weeks to two months before you are going to feel completely normal again. In some case many found that hgh supplements if HGH injections were not possible to help quit a bit in speeding up healing after plastic surgery or any other type for that matter. for more on hgh supplements like Genf20 plus, Sytropin and GHR1000 read more…




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