What is Laser Skin Resurfacing? (Lasabrasion, Laser Peel)

Laser skin resurfacing is a popular new anti-aging treatment that is becoming more affordable for the average person. Laser technology has come a long way, with lasers being used to treat everything from cancer to seasonal affective depression disorder to unwanted body hair to wrinkles and acne scars.

Laser skin resurfacing is also known as lasabrasion (a combination of the words “laser” and “dermabrasion”) and a laser peel (combining “laser” and “chemical peel.”) The reason for this is that dermabrasion, chemical peels, and laser skin resurfacing use the same principle to reduce signs of ageing.

All of these anti-ageing treatments use controlled damage of skin layers to prompt the body to produce healing factors and new collagen. Normally, the body does not produce collagen on a regular basis. College is what gives skin its elasticity, ability to “bounce back” after you make a facial expression without causing a permanent wrinkle, and provides a youthful look to the skin. Collagen is, however, produced again by the body during the healing process. So, causing a small amount of controlled damage can cause new collagen production, which means that after you finish healing, you will look younger than before the procedure.

Chemical peels and dermabrasion have been used successfully for a long time to achieve great anti-ageing results such as fewer lines and wrinkles, less sagging skin, and skin with a more even tone. These procedures can help fade scars, even acne scars.

Laser skin resurfacing, because of the greater control it offers over the damage that is done, can treat a wider range of skin problems and cosmetic issues. In fact, laser skin resurfacing can treat: fine lines, shallow to moderate wrinkles, (and can improve the appearance of deep wrinkles) uneven skin tone, scars, (including acne scars) sagging lines like nasolabial folds, age spots, and freckles or other blemishes. Laser skin resurfacing is not at this time used to treat stretch marks, and it cannot be used on areas with active acne.

Cosmetic procedure review site realself.com contains thousands of reviews of different procedures, and many real patients are very happy about their laser skin resurfacing results. CO2 lasers can be used to tighten sagging around the eye area and erase years from your appearance.

It is important to follow aftercare instructions exactly as your doctor gives them. Of course there are negative reviews of laser procedures online, but whenever you are reading something you must be critical and judge for yourself. Many of the negative reviews are by people who did not follow the doctor’s directions (such as taking OTC counter pain medication which can increase swelling, bleeding and bruising instead of taking the prescription pain medication) or had unrealistic expectations (thinking every trace of a wrinkle would be gone and they would look 19 again at the age of 45.)

This is not to say that laser skin resurfacing is risk-free: of course it isn’t. That’s why it is important to research and find a professional with a lot of experience in the treatment you want. Always ask many questions, and be suspicious of a doctor who won’t answer those questions completely.

Always remember that while cosmetic surgeries and laser skin resurfacing might seem like a “quick fix” there is always healing time involved. Before choosing to spend a lot of money (and many laser procedures are in the $1500-2000 range) it might be better to work on improvement from the inside using a healthy diet and exercise, and abstaining from smoking and drinking alcohol. If these changes don’t produce the result you want, natural supplements containing HGH precursors will help you achieve anti-ageing results for far less than laser. However, if you’re still not satisfied, laser skin resurfacing can be an effective way to “turn back the clock.”

Anti Aging Supplements



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