Health Benefits That Come With Bodybuilding

The benefits of bodybuilding to those wishing to become toned and build muscle mass are no secret. A bodybuilder, when sticking to a strict exercise and diet regimen will easily display the benefits all over his or her body in the form of well developed muscles and a lean body that is free of fat. However, body building provides the body with lots of positive benefits besides these as well.

Lowers Cholesterol

Any doctor will tell you that the key to lowering your cholesterol is to exercise and eat right. A balanced diet and a balanced lifestyle is usually what is needed to keep those cholesterol levels within the safe zone. With this in mind, it is no wonder that the bodybuilder lifestyle leads to low cholesterol levels. Body building is accompanied by a healthy diet that supports the heavy exercise and hard work that goes into building and maintaining the desired muscle mass.

Reduces The Risk Of Heart Disease

By reducing cholesterol levels in the body, bodybuilding helps to reduce the risk of heart disease. However, this is not the only reason heart disease risk drops. When you work out to build muscle, you are also eliminating fat. Studies have proven time and time again that there is a direct correlation between body fat levels and the risk of heart disease. Additionally, a fit body will generally have lower blood pressure. When a bodybuilder reaches a point that he has lowered his blood pressure due to the overall fitness of his body, he has also reduced his risk of heart disease even more.

Reduces Stress

Exercise of any kind is an excellent stress reduction tool. It does more than just get your mind off of those issues that are bothering you; it actually releases endorphins in the brain that help to create a general sense of well being. It is a safe, healthy way to manage the stresses in your life and reduce your body’s physical reaction to what is going on in your mind and outside of your body.

Builds Self Esteem

There are several reasons your self esteem is boosted by being a body builder. The first is obvious; you will feel better about yourself if your body looks the way you want it to. There are more reasons, however. There is the fact that as a body builder, you are physically strong, and that strength makes you feel sure of yourself as if you can take on just about anything. Additionally, once you have accomplished your bodybuilding goals, you will have built up the confidence that comes with having set for yourself a difficult goal and succeeded. You have defeated your body fat and muscle tone; this is a reason to feel great about yourself.

Prevents Arthritis

Bodybuilding, when done correctly, makes your body more flexible and strengthens your joints. This helps prevent injuries and ward off arthritis. This condition usually affects joints that have been injured in the past or have been deprived of strength building exercises.

Builds Strong Bones

There are two reasons that strong bones are a result of body building. First, the weight training and exercises build strength in the muscles and the bones by making the body more flexible and teaching the skeletal and muscular systems to work together like never before. Bones that have never been exercised will grow frail and brittle; exercise is needed to prevent this. You also cannot ignore the lifestyle of the bodybuilder. The bodybuilder eats a diet carefully assembled to support his exercise and body building activities, and this includes large amounts of calcium and lean protein, both of which are great for strong, healthy bones.

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6 thoughts on “Health Benefits That Come With Bodybuilding

  1. Develop an exercise routine that you can commit to. Just remember to incorporate strength training and cardio exercise. As was given as advice in this article, building muscles prior to aerobics is certified to make you burn more fats. To make this not so taxing, be creative with your cardio. You can do aerobics, dance exercises, taebo, and whatever form you think will spark your interest.

  2. When do you say it is too late for an old man like me to get into bodybuilding? Can I still enjoy the benefits of strength training at this stage? Will I be able to handle it? I suppose, they will not work out someone in my age until they actually wear out? Why, after reading your article, I got curious. I also regret not being able to save some spare time to spend on working out my muscle strength and form considering all the health benefits that I should be reaping. In case it’s too late for me then im sending a shout out to everyone reading this blog to make the move now, make the move early so you don’t feel weak and useless as I do now.

  3. wow! There are so many advantages of bodybuilding. If only it is that easy. UNFORTUNATELY, IT REQUIRES GREAT STRENGTH AND PATIENCE.

  4. I suggest that those who want to get into bodybuilding seek advice from a fitness expert in developing a strength training that is suitable for their age, ability, and power. It is not wise to get into bodybuilding without the proper guidance. The tough workout may cause trouble along the way.

  5. Bodybuilding may be a more challenging way to stay fit. However, with all the benefits it will provide you, I think all of us should consider getting it into our exercise routines!

  6. Great, great post. Keep it up guys! The writers here at the antiagingblog sure knows the topics to touch on when it comes to health-conscious and body-conscious individuals like me!

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